Crane and Hoist Motor Repair Services
When dealing with a liability such as a faulty crane motor, a facility manager needs to know that their application is in good hands. A&C Electric has specialized in crane motors since our existence. As a crane motor specialist, we understand the knowledge and expertise needed in order to return your repaired crane motor in a timely fashion such that productivity is not heavily impacted. We address and fix the fault in your motor in HALF the lead time and a FRACTION of the cost of buying new equipment. No matter if your crane is Demag, P&H, Westinghouse, or General Electric, we can repair all types of manufacturers. For extremely time sensitive repairs, we can replace your crane's motor with one of the refurbished motors we keep in stock.
Contact crane and hoist engine repair technicians for a free quote.
Our capabilities ensure that your crane motor gets to you in the lowest time possible with the highest quality.
A Typical repair on your crane motor would include:
-Dismantling, Cleaning and Checking, Steam Cleaning Every mechanical part
-General recondition of every damaged/contaminated part
-Insulation/Dielectric Test
-Surge Test
-Hi-Pot Test
-Resistance Test
-Vibration Test
-Re-sleeving bearings housings
-Metalizing shafts
-Balancing rotating assembly
-Installing all new bearings and seals
-Reassembling, testing, and painting
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