AS-140104-0145 | AS-272006-0145 |
AS-251006-0190 |
FD-7523-4001 |
AS-140106-0145 | AS-272504-0145 |
AS-251504-0190 |
FD-7543-4001 |
AS-140154-0145 | AS-272506-0145 |
AS-271506-0190 |
FD-9923-4001 |
AS-180156-0145 | AS-273004-0145 |
AS-252004-0190 |
FD-9943-4001 |
AS-140204-0145 | AS-274004-0145 |
AS-272004-0190 |
FD-9523-4001 |
AS-180206-0145 | AS-140104-0190 |
AS-272006-0190 |
FD-2541-4002 |
AS-140304-0145 | AS-140106-0190 |
AS-272504-0190 |
FD-5021-4002 |
AS-180304-0145 | AS-140154-0190 |
AS-272506-0190 |
FD-5041-4002 |
AS-180306-0145 | AS-180156-0190 |
AS-273004-0190 |
FD-7521-4002 |
AS-180504-0145 | AS-140204-0190 |
AS-274004-0190 |
FD-7541-4002 |
AS-210506-0145 | AS-180206-0190 |
FD-2541-4001 |
FD-2543-4002 |
AS-210754-0145 | AS-140304-0190 |
FD-5021-4001 |
FD-5023-4002 |
AS-250756-0145 | AS-180304-0190 |
FD-5041-4001 |
FD-5043-4002 |
AS-211004-0145 | AS-180306-0190 |
FD-7521-4001 |
FD-7523-4002 |
AS-251006-0145 | AS-180504-0190 |
FD-7541-4001 |
FD-7543-4002 |
AS-251504-0145 | AS-210506-0190 | FD-9941-4001 | FD-9923-4002 |
AS-271506-0145 | AS-210754-0190 | FD-2543-4001 | FD-9943-4002 |
AS-252004-0145 | AS-250756-0190 | FD-5023-4001 | FD-9523-4002 |
AS-272004-0145 | AS-211004-0190 | FD-5043-4001 |
Dynamatic Motors
You can browse through our online catalog or simply call us at (585) 469-0710 for any type of motor you need.
Dynamatic AS Drives (Ajusto Spede)
Ajusto-Spede Drives combine an air-cooled, adjustable speed clutch with an integrally mounted NEMA B, AC induction motor. The Ajusto-Spede Drive transmits constant torque at variable speeds. There is no physical contact between input and output members. This results in smooth response, thereby eliminating shock loading and extending equipment life. All drives have a C-Face endbell on both ends, TEFC Construction and an internal tachometer generator mounted around the output shaft to provide a feedback signal to the drive's controller. The controller provides the DC excitation for the clutch coil. The feedback signal from the tachometer generator is compared to a reference signal within the controller to maintain accurate speed regulation.
Dynamatic AT Drives
Dynamatic Model AT Drives combine an air-cooled, adjustable speed clutch and a flange mounted AC induction motor. The AT Drive transmits torque at variable speeds. There is no physical contact between input and output members. This results in smooth response, thereby eliminating shock loading and extending equipment life. All drives have an integral tachometer generator AT-320 through AT-440 mounted around the output shaft to provide a feedback signal to the drive's controller. The controller provides the DC excitation for the clutch coil. The feedback signal from the tachometer generator is used as a reference signal within the controller to maintain accurate speed regulation.
AT-140014-0145 | AT-320406-0145 |
AT-210104-0190 |
AT-360606-0190 |
AT-140024-0145 | AT-280504-0145 |
AT-210154-0190 |
AT-320754-0190 |
AT-180034-0145 | AT-320504-0145 |
AT-250154-0190 |
AT-360754-0190 |
AT-180054-0145 | AT-360506-0145 |
AT-250204-0190 |
AT-440756-0190 |
AT-180074-0145 | AT-320604-0145 |
AT-250254-0190 |
AT-361004-0190 |
AT-210074-0145 | AT-360604-0145 |
AT-280254-0190 |
AT-441004-0190 |
AT-210104-0145 | AT-360606-0145 |
AT-320256-0190 |
AT-441006-0190 |
AT-210154-0145 | AT-320754-0145 |
AT-280304-0190 |
AT-361254-0190 |
AT-250154-0145 | AT-360754-0145 |
AT-320304-0190 |
AT-441254-0190 |
AT-250204-0145 | AT-440756-0145 |
AT-320306-0190 |
AT-441256-0190 |
AT-250254-0145 | AT-361004-0145 |
AT-280404-0190 |
AT-441504-0190 |
AT-280254-0145 | AT-441004-0145 |
AT-320404-0190 |
AT-442004-0190 |
AT-320256-0145 | AT-441006-0145 |
AT-320406-0190 |
AT-140014-0190 |
AT-280304-0145 | AT-361254-0145 |
AT-280504-0190 |
AT-140024-0190 |
AT-320304-0145 | AT-441256-0145 |
AT-320504-0190 |
AT-180034-0190 |
AT-320306-0145 | AT-441504-0145 | AT-360506-0190 | AT-180054-0190 |
AT-280404-0145 | AT-442004-0145 | AT-320604-0190 | AT-180074-0190 |
AT-320404-0145 | AT-210074-0190 | AT-360604-0190 |
Dynamatic DCD Drives
Dynamatic Model DCD Drives is a combination of an air-cooled, adjustable speed clutch and a flange mounted AC induction motor. Simple, low cost dependability! Interchangeable with Models TCD and CD. The DCD Drive transmits torque at variable speeds. There is no physical contact between input and output members. This results in smooth response, thereby eliminating shock loading and extending equipment life. All drives have an integral tachometer generator mounted around the output shaft to provide a feedback signal to the drive's controller. The controller provides the DC excitation for the clutch coil. The feedback signal from the tachometer generator is used as a reference signal within the controller to maintain accurate speed regulation. For more details, contact A&C Electric.
DCD-132030-4141 | DCD-160100-4141 |
DCD-180200-4141 |
DCD-225400-4141 |
DCD-132050-4141 | DCD-160150-4141 |
DCD-180250-4141 |
DCD-225500-4141 |
DCD-132050-4121 | DCD-160150-4121 |
DCD-180250-4121 |
DCD-225600-4141 |
DCD-132075-4121 | DCD-160200-4121 |
DCD-180300-4141 |
DCD-225750-4141 |
DCD-132100-4121 | DCD-160250-4121 |
DCD-180300-4121 |
DCD-160075-4141 | DCD-180150-4141 |
DCD-225300-4141 |
Dynamatic CES Drives
The CES (Constant Energy System) Package Press Drive is a combination of an air-cooled adjustable speed drive, brake and belt ring flywheel in a common housing. The package is mounted on pedestals and tie bars on a base plate. Tubing is provided for supplying oil to the bearings. The press drive can function within a wide stroking range while exercising full control of the slide within individual strokes; and it can produce sufficient inertia for normal single, double and triple action press applications. Optional air-operated shoe brakes (two required per drive) can be mounted against the outer diameter of the flywheel for faster braking capability. The CES features can be fully utilized by the following types of presses: blanking, deep draw, transfer, progressive die, follower, synchronized, and multiple actions.
Model 37-21 | Model 37-42 | Model 49-42 | Model 49-63 |
Model 37-32 |
TECO Eddy Current Drives
TECO Eddy Current Drives and Controls are specified as original equipment on Stamtec, Seyi, & Sutherland presses. The drives are available in ranges from 2 to 200 HP and are used in a wide range of applications.
VSED405B | VSED42B | VSED45B | VSED410B |
VSED41B | VSED43B | VSED47B | VSED415B |